• Pay
    Low transaction fees to
    support a smart and cashless society
    Find out more
  • Cash Point
    Become an “ATM” to increase footfall
    and income
    Find out more
  • Nearby Merchants
    Offline to online integrated solutions to get
    more publicity and customers
    Find out more
  • Crypto Partner
    Grow your crypto project with a ready
    community and a ready technology infrastructure
    Find out more
  • Umeke Influencer
    Reach more brands and followers and earn
    more from your influencing
    Find out more
  • Money Exchange
    Exchange currencies
    with the best rates
    Find out more
Be a Umeke partner, empower your business
  • Supported by a comprehensive Umeke Ecosystem
  • Utilize the massive customer base and users community
  • Create multiple avenues for high returns
  • Enable your customers to get the best rates always
  • Secure more insights to increase your sales objectives
  • Strengthen and accelerate your business with technology expertise fortified by blockchain
Want to explore other ways
to partner with Umeke?
Whichever your business entity and nature;
banks; financial institutions; ecommerce player,
we have a solution that can offer cost effective and
efficient payment solutions to accelerate business expansion
Be our partner in 3 simple steps
  • Step 1.
    Register your interest
  • Step 2.
    Work with our experts to activate what suits your business
  • Step 3.
    Grow with Umeke
Connect with us today
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